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Quick update

As some might have noticed, I performed a quick update on my server this saturday; it has been around three months since my last complete system upgrade, and I didn’t want to put my server through the /bin → /usr/bin upgrade when I am not physically around.

At this point, I still consider using OpenRC as an init system for my server, but I have yet to write the relevant service files for it to be working, so I will postpone that until later. I want to eventually move everything to a FreeBSD on my CubieBoard, but that will have to wait until I have everything carefully planned and ready to go.

The update almost went well, except for the fact that this was apparently not newsworthy enough, so it basically broke everything I could need for remote access, namely mosh and tmux.

Also, for some reason, at the first reboot I had a grub 1 recovery shell, even though I have been using grub2 for a year without issues (or have I?), but well. A grub-install later and it works fine.

I made use of the downtime to upgrade Prosody to 0.9, and enable IPv6 support.

I also cleaned up the SSL stuff on all my services: now, all the certificates my servers offer will be signed by my own certification authority, and be for a valid host (different wildcard/root certificates, I read that it is possible to have both in one, but I didn’t want to bother).

If you have remarks or suggestions concerning this article, please by all means contact me.